Thursday, April 24, 2014

In pursuit of the thing she would have stay_Shakespeare

"POSSESS to inform
POTCH to push violently
POTENT a potentate
POUNCET-BOX a box for holding perfumes
POWER forces, army
PRACTISE wicked stratagem
PRACTISANT a confederate
PRANK to dress up
PRECEPT a justice's summons
PRECIOUSLY in business of great importance
PREGNANCY fertility of invention
PREGNANT fertile of invention
PRENOMINATE to name beforehand, to prophesy
PRE-ORDINANCE old-established law
PRESENCE the presence-chamber
High bearing
PREST ready
PRETEND to portend
To intend
PREVENT to anticipate"

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Reflections – Five Classic Kodaks - Stock Photography Blog

Reflections – Five Classic Kodaks - Stock Photography Blog: "This was the most surprising, since the camera doesn’t appear to be an expensive camera, but would cost you about $162 in 2014! This camera just happened to be my husband’s family camera and we have a ton of vintage photos taken with it! "

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Uploading your holiday photos to the cloud – The Official Livedrive Blog – Cloud Storage and Online Backup

Uploading your holiday photos to the cloud – The Official Livedrive Blog – Cloud Storage and Online Backup: "The briefcase has a built in Flickr uploader which allows you to place your images on the web with ease. Simply upload your files to your Briefcase, then login to and select the photos you want to place on the social network. Livedrive will then send them to Flickr for your friends to view."

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